2024-02-14 8:26 AM to 2024-03-31 8:26 AM CDT
OIS Collaborators
Friends in the Lord

The newly established UCS Office of Ignatian Spirituality is richly blessed to be growing in faith and friendship with seasoned Ignatian Communities throughout the Central & Southern province and beyond. Our conversations continue to take shape around a shared and evolving Mission and Vision for Ignatian minsitry across the region:

MISSION STATEMENT: "We are a body of companions in Christ who live, study, and apply the Spiritual Exercises in various ways for all people across the UCS province." Spiritual Exercises (working definition): Anything grounded in Ignatian / Jesuit foundational sources (e.g., the Spiritual Exercises, Autobiography, Jesuit Constitutions, etc.).

VISION STATEMENT: "As companions journeying with Christ in our world and the Church today, we strive to become a network inspiried by the Ignatian tradition to be open to the movement of the Holy Spiirt to discern, collaborate, cooperate with God's unfolding vision."

Please pray with us, pray for us, and be attentive to opportunities to join us!

For links to our Collaborators' websites, or to be added to this mailing list, visit (and scroll down) this link: Our Team (spaceofencounter.com)
