Our Team


OIS Team

   Fr. Hung Pham, S.J.

Fr. Hung T. Pham, SJ, was a delegate from the Central and Southern Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. Fr. Pham holds a bachelor’s degree in math, chemistry, and biology from Regis University in Denver; a master’s degree in philosophy from Saint Louis University; and a doctorate in Ignatian spirituality from Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid. He taught at St. Louis University High School and worked for the Jesuit Refugee Service of Asia Pacific, training math and science teachers in the Burmese refugee camp in Northern Thailand; and served as professor of Ignatian spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University.

Assistant Director:
   Position is vacant

We look forward to welcoming someone of Spanish / Latin American culture to support our diverse community.

   OIS - St. Louis
      Patty Feder

Eager to make a return for all Christ has done for me, I gratefully assist the UCS Office of Ignatian Spirituality with its administrative functions so gifted ministers of Ignatian Spirituality can more freely companion those seeking to deepen their encounter with the Lord. I do so from the context of a married and parenting vocation shared with my generously supportive husband Dan. Juggling full-time family life and part-time administration, I remain a happy and perpetual “student” of the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian Discernment.

   Tom Reynolds

I have worked for many years in Jesuit higher education, as an administrator in Student Affairs, as a Chief Mission Officer, and as a faculty member. I have seen first-hand how personal experiences of the Spiritual Exercises in their many forms have deepened the understanding of our colleagues about this unique and life-giving tradition in our schools. It’s a gift that we hope to share in many forms going forward.

   Barry Neuburger

I have had the privilege of working in the ministry of Jesuit secondary education as a faculty member and administrator for most of my adult life. Through school community relationships blessed with sincere pastoral care, I have experienced and witnessed students and faculty alike, respond to the invitation to deepen their relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. As partners in the ministry of service, we are here to assist as each of us responds to their personal call from God.

Pilgrimage Coordinator:
   Lan Chieu Nguyen

It is a delight to combine my passions for Ignatian Spirituality and traveling into organizing pilgrimages for the OIS. I believe being at holy sites and on the road creates a unique space for one to encounter the Lord and others. I am a software manager at a defense company in Southern California and member of the Dong-Hanh Christian Life Community (CLC). I enjoy accompanying others on the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian retreats.

Tech and Other Support:
   Conganh Pham
      web developer

I worked as an electronic engineer for 34 years and retired in 2019. During a Collaborating and Networking trip to Belize, Fr. Hung and Fr. Pepe recruited me to work on the website that would be tailored to the need of the OIS mission. I have learned much through the work; but best of all is the experience of meeting new people and see God's transformative power.

Facility Manager:
   Lauretta Proulx

I have had the blessing of being called and able to work in ministry for over 42 years. I began leading music for Mass before I got my driver’s license.  From there God led me to serve youth as a Youth Minister, followed by working at the Archdiocese of Denver, to serving as a Pastoral Associate locally.  Each community I have been honored to serve has led me to my new position as the Building and Hospitality Manager of the Xavier Jesuit Center on behalf of the UCS Office of Ignatian Spirituality. The mission of the OIS brings my faith and professional journey full circle.



The Bridges Foundation brings Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola to everyday life for those who live in the Greater St. Louis area.

Christian Life Community (CLC) is an international association of lay Christians who have adopted an Ignatian model of spiritual life. 

Somos un grupo de laicos católicos en Puerto Rico formados en la experiencia de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola.

Rooted in the Catholic faith tradition, the Ignatian Spirituality Center serves Christians across the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

The Ignatian Spirituality Institute fosters active and committed discipleship.

The Ignatian Spirituality Program of Denver offers group retreats, individual spiritual direction, and the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola. All who seek to deepen their relationship with God are welcome.

Spiritual growth is a vital part of our mission as a Jesuit parish. We embrace lifelong learning and development as integral to our personal and communal relationship with God.

The Next Chapter program is a six-month guided journey grounded in Ignatian Spirituality whose purpose is to assist people to discern who God is calling them to be and what God is calling them to do in their next chapter of life.


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