2024-02-17 to 2024-02-26
Ignatian Holy Land Pilgrimage
With Fr. Hung Pham, SJ and Fr. Peter Gadalla, SJ

This pilgrimage had been cancelled due to instability situation in the area.


A 10-day pilgrimage designed for those who seek to deepen their faith through:

  • Physically walking the land
  • Spiritually engaging in individual meditation and contemplation
  • Actively participating in small-group sharing and daily Eucharist
  • Living simply as a community of Jesus’s disciples

Travel Itinerary

  • Day: 1-4
    • Arrive in Tel-Aviv by 3 pm. Travel to Galilee. Visit Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Primacy of Peter, Tabgha, Mount of Beatitudes, Magdala, Mount Tabor, Kana, Stella Maris
  • Day: 5-10
    • Travel to Judah. Visit Jericho, Dead Sea, Nativity Grotto, Shepherds Field, Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Holy Sepulcher, Temple Mount, Peter Gallicantu, Upper Room, Tomb of Mary. Depart from Tel-Aviv

Contact: Lan Nguyen, 714-202-7020, chieulannguyen@gmail.com
